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En el primer episodio viviremos los trágicos acontecimientos que le sucedieron a Alicia cuando regresaba a casa después de visitar a su familia...

Muchas gracias por compartir este buen juego, me ha gustado, saludos!!!

Muchas gracias por jugar, arreglaré las deficiencias que mencionas con la próxima actualización, gracias. 


thank you for your comment I will fix the bug in your video thanks.

Nice this was very good game I like it but when I went to the gas station and Carl talks to Mike and says he come back but Carl doesn't talk She not coming back did I get this wrong somehow? anyway very good game well done keep it up!

Thank you very much for playing, I use translation because I don't speak English, I think I translated it wrong, it will be fixed with the nearest update thanks